The live action shoot for Ender's Game wrapped on June 9, and with the end of physical production came the end of my immensely rewarding stint co-production-designing the film with my good friend Sean Haworth. I have been a huge fan of Orson Scott Card's original short story and book since I first encountered them in early adolescence, so the chance to cut my teeth as a production designer on such hallowed ground was a real thrill. Luckily I had the support of a great production, a fantastic art department and construction crew, and an incredibly smart, talented, funny, and truly human director by the name of Gavin Hood.
I look forward to sharing much more about the design of Ender's Game when the movie comes out, but until then please check out the producers' blog for cool, behind-the-scenes updates. Below is the generous and flattering send-off Sean and I received as we left the show:
A class-act group I will miss well. And hopefully a special movie in the making.